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The Greater Wyoming Valley Area YMCA recently named Steph Bewley as the new executive director of the YMCA Camp Kresge branch.

Bewley attended West Chester University, obtaining a bachelor’s degree in Science Education with a minor in Special Education. Additionally, Bewley recently completed a bachelor’s degree in accounting which created the opportunity for her to shift into an executive director role.

She is also a visitor for the American Camp Association, ensuring camp is meeting the highest possible standards.

In 2019, Bewley joined the Camp Kresge team as the camp and conference director. Bringing four years of experience from another Y association where she oversaw camp and enrichment programs, Bewley has worked diligently since then to ensure a fun, safe camp experience for all participants.

She has expanded the program offerings, adding activities like Specialty Day Camps and the Cardboard Regatta, while keeping with traditions such as hosting the annual Summer Family Camp. Bewley also has a passion for creating welcoming environments that make camp accessible to all, which aligns closely with the YMCA’s mission.

“The past four summers at Camp Kresge have allowed me to meet so many new families as well as alumni who have a longstanding history with camp,” said Steph. “I love seeing the positive impact that camp has on everyone who visits our facility. So many lasting memories and friendships are created here among campers, families, and staff.”

As an outdoor enthusiast and avid runner, Bewley is able to combine her love of nature and fitness with her desire to support the local community. She hopes to see more families gain a greater appreciation for the outdoors by participating in camp programs, including the upcoming 5K Trail Run & 1 Mile Walk on April 21, which will benefit the camp scholarship


YMCA Camp Kresge offers a wide variety of programs for all ages and groups, including year-round camping programs, summer day and overnight camp, family events, outdoor education, and private rentals. For more information, visit